Environment friendly
Inexpensive Process
Healthiest Process
Sources of Employment
Generates income
Animal husbandry is an important component of integrated farming. Agriculture and animal husbandry are interdependent industries. Animal husbandry meets the food needs of the farming family and increases household income. The use of farm and household waste as fodder for livestock will reduce the cost of milk production. Livestock provide food, fuel, manure, skin and traction for humans.
Tamil Nadu is a leader in livestock breeding and production. Tamil Nadu, which has seven per cent Indian cattle and three per cent poultry population, is the fifth largest producer of milk and the second largest producer of eggs. There are 27 farmer training centers and science centers in Tamil Nadu to address scientific and skeptical concerns about animal husbandry.
Farm is a tract of land, usually with a house, bran, silo, etc; on which crop and often livestocks are raised for livelihood. Land or water denoted to the raising of animals, fish, plants, etc;A farm is an area of land, together with the buildings on it, that is used for growing crops, raising animals, usually in order to sell them.Farming is an important occupation, because everyone needs food and clothing to survive. Farms produce all kinds of plants, animals, wools and cotton that people eat and utilize throughout the world.
Environment friendly
Inexpensive Process
Healthiest Process
Sources of Employment
Generates income
Dairy farming is a class of agriculture, where female cattle, goats, or other mammals are raised for their milk, which may be either processed on-site or transported to a dairy for processing and eventual retail sale .
There are many breeds of cattle that can be milked some of the best producing ones include Holstein, Norwegian Red, Kostroma, Brown Swiss, and more
Poultry farms are devoted to raising chickens (egg layers or broilers), turkeys, ducks, and other fowl, generally for meat or eggs.
A pig farm is one that specializes in raising pigs or hogs for bacon, ham and other pork products. They may be free range, intensive, or both.